Past Concerts

Eternal Hate Fest in Kdyne

Nothgard, Trollech, Pandemia usw.....


7 und 8.05.2010 Hauzenberg

Samael, Unleashed, Desaster, Benediction
Seasons in Black usw.....

Koráb Fest 29.8.2009 CZ
Stíny plamenů
Burn My Shadows (GER),
Exotoxin (GER)

24.04.2009 Freising

Live: 22.August 2008 Moshclub Kolmberg

13.-14.07.2007 Torgau / Brückenkopf
disbelief, agathodaimon, saxorior, moshquito, dawn of fate

2 Juni 2007 Zeughaus Passau
Master (Cz)

27 + 28.04.07 Walpurgis Metal Days
Ensiferum, Unleashed, Disbelief, Exotoxin and many more!!

14.04.2007 Zeughaus Passau
Mercenary (Dk)
In Slumber

15.12.2006 Zeughaus Passau
Seasons in Black

25.11.2006 Titanic City "CD - Release Party" Sycronomica
Sycronomica, Exotoxin, Commander...

20.10 2006 Linz - Lembach
Wolf Chant, Olemus, Seasons in Black, Exotoxin

21.10.2006 Titanic City - München
Wolf Chant, Olemus, Seasons in Black, Exotoxin + Support: Shade

1 0 J a h re E X O T O X I N

Exotoxin, Olemus, Seasons in Black, Sycronomica, UGF

21 / 22.07.2006 Hellfest Österreich
Freitag, 21.Juli 2006

19:00 - 19:45 Rosenrot (A) Unplugged Pop
20:00 - 20:45 No Names (A) Bluesrock
21:00 - 21:45 Hans Schrammel Blues Experience (A) Heavyblues
22:00 - 22:45 Johannes Bode (A) Extremlesung
23:00 - 23:45 Windigo (CZ) Bluesrock
00:00 - 00:45 Scabies (A) Punk
01:00 - 01:45 Black Wintersun (A) Metal

Samstag, 22.Juli 06

14:00 - 16:30 Avantgarde-Frühschoppen
17:00 - 17:45 Arising (A) New Metal
18:00 - 18:45 Marygoround (A) New Metal
19:00 - 19:45 ½ Pint (A) Punk
20:00 - 20:45 Rotte Soggen (A) Rock
21:00 - 21:45 Hellexperience (A) Prog.Metal
22:00 - 22:45 Exotoxin (D) Death Metal
23:00 - 23:45 Seasons in Black (D) Death Metal
00:00 - 00:45 Floodland (A) Gothic Metal
01:00 - 01:45 Nonsens (CZ) Metal

17.6.2006 Eternal Hate Festival at Castle Ryzmberk - CZ
Exotoxin, Seasons in Black, Martyrim Christi and more

4.02.2006 Torgau "In Flammen"
Olemus,Exotoxin, Seasons in Black, Gallery of Sound

Freitag 25.11.2005 Linz im Kulturzentrum Hof
Gallery of Sound(A), Exotoxin

Samstag 26.11.2005.Zeughaus Passau
Martyrium Christi (CZ), Gallery of Sound(A), Exotoxin

Donnerstag, 27.10.2005 in Brno RC Brooklin CZ :
Agony(CZ), F.O.B.(CZ), Oblomov(CZ), Gallery of Sound(A), Exotoxin

Freitag, 28.10.2005 in Bilkov by Dacice CZ :
Agony(CZ), F.O.B.(CZ), Oblomov(CZ), Gallery of Sound(A), Exotoxin

Samstag, 29.10.2005 in Budweis Cerný Velbloud CZ :
Agony(CZ), F.O.B.(CZ), Oblomov(CZ), Gallery of Sound(A), Exotoxin

Freitag, 21.10.2005 in U2 - Ultravision Mindelheim
Fetus Christ, Exotoxin, Gallery of Sound, Nuclear Warfare

Samstag, 8.10.2005 in Rosenheim - Discothek Blackout
Armistice, Exotoxin .. tba.

30.09.05 Dresden Metal gegen Krebs
Seasons in Black, Exotoxin .......

24.09.05 Srakonice Tschechien
Martyrium Christi, Seasons in Black, Exotoxin

Freitag 2 und Samstag 3 September Metal gegen Krebs
Haggard, BrainStorm, GraveWorm, Seasons in Black, Exotoxin, Human Bloodfeast and many more!

Samstag 9 Juli Red Rock Open Air in Tragwein Austria
Gallery of Sound, Exotoxin,Agony(CZ), Law found Guilt, Scream, Nosgoth, Elphones Maya, The 5th Season

Samstag 18 Juni Trafo Pollenried
Left to Rott, Exotoxin, Zodiac Ass, Low Down

Samstag 2 April 2005 Zeughaus Passau:
Pungent Stench, Final Breath, Sucking Leech, Exotoxin

Sonntag 3 April 2005 Titanic City München:
Pungent Stench, Final Breath, Sucking Leech, Exotoxin

Benefiz Konzert: Paradox Ingolstadt 11/12.02.05 D
Seasons in Black, Exotoxin, ......

Labor Hannover 19.11.2004 D
Exotoxin, 6Cells 

Zeughaus Passau 31.10.04 D
In Slumber, Exotoxin, Seasons in Black, Nuclear Warfare

Dark Moon Festival 25/26 Juni 2004 A
Exotoxin, ThirdMoon,UGF,Festering Flesh ......

Tabakfabrik Passau 19.05.2004 D
Third Moon, Spearhead, Exotoxin

Zeughaus Passau 6.03.2004 D
Olemus, UGF, Exotoxin, Drill Reality

Oklahoma Wegscheid 16.01.04 D
UGF, Exotoxin
Passau Zeughaus 18.09.99 D
Munich meet’s Metal
Festering Salivia, Olemuns, Exotoxin, UGF, Cryptic,Vivisection

Burg Piberstein 30.07.99 A
Nitro Bombshell, Exotoxin, UGF,Vicious Circle, Alastor

Puchheim JUZ München 23.07.99 D
Top of the Pops

Festering Salivia, Cryptic, Exotoxin, Olemus, UGF

Nürnberg Kunstverein 24.07.99 D
Olemus, Exotoxin, UGF

Passau CLAB Grubweg 07.05.99 D
Bloody Night of Symphonies

Olemus, Exotoxin, Festering Salivia, UGF, Sick Brew

Sulzbach Mehrzweckhalle 27.03.99 D (Benefiz Konzert)
Open Ear 99

In the Name of, Exotoxin, UGF........usw

Kirchheim “im Rülps” München 31.10.98 D
Sycronomica, Festering Salivia, UGF, Exotoxin,
Sub D., Mr.Tom

Erlangen New Force 08.08.98 D
Olemus, Exotoxin, Inner Strange

Altenfelden Alter Bauhof 13.06.98 A
CD - Präsentation Olemus

Olemus, Exotoxin, NWO, Precious Metal

Rondell Wegscheid 29.03.98 D
Judgement Night

Inner Strange, Olemus, Mortus, Exotoxin, NWO

Passau Zeughaus 13.03.98 D
Jasons Metal Night

Olemus, Inner Strange, Exotoxin, Eternity

Passau CLAB Grubweg 21.11.97 D
Hard’n Heavy Night

Exotoxin, Inner Strange, D.Saat

Passau Funtasia 30.08.97 D
Fun Stock OPEN AIR

Inner Strange, Exotoxin, D.Saat, Out of Order, Compulsion

Fürstenzell Festzelt 20.06.97 D
Rock im Zelt

Black Velvet, Inner Strange, Unicum, Def’n Dumb, Saratoga, Exotoxin

Passau Funtasia 10.05.97 D
Heavy Jam

Exotoxin, inner Strange

Wegscheid Rondell 07.05.97 D

Olemus, D.Saat, Exotoxin, Eternal Passion